Saturday, May 30, 2009


May 30, 2009 Saturday
Have you ever been confused, frustrated, aggravated, agitated, un-sure, scared, about what you were doing in life? There are times when writing about destiny that I wake up and feel all those things. I am no different than anyone else. The more I write about destiny, the more often I feel that way. However, I know then more than ever that I do have a purpose and a specific destiny in life. The same goes for you. Every one of us has felt like that at one time or another. If you feel that way right now, rest assured that we all have been there before. You are not alone!! Trust me; I feel that way at least once a week, but I know it’s a lie. The prophet Jeremiah said, that God has a plan for your life and it’s a good plan. That’s enough for me. I don’t always know what to do, I am there right now. However, I just do what the last thing I was told to do. Right now it is writing this blog and writing on destiny. I am also getting ideas about the next project about athletics building character.
So be encouraged you are not by yourself. Be of good cheer! We might have gotten here on different ships, but we all in the same boat now!! Encourage someone today! Speak life to someone! God bless, love you all!!

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