Thursday, June 11, 2009

No cowering down

June 11, 2009 Thursday
I got the contract from the publisher yesterday. All I have to do now is finish the editing and we are ready to go to print. Won’t be too much longer now and the book will be available for you. Hope you all buy 5 copies for ya mama, on the cover of the Rolling Stone…
Thank you all for the great comments you are sending, I really appreciate it. If you want to send in a note to put in the forward of my book you still have time.
The more I write in the book the more I am learning about myself and others too. I am learning how we think and act in certain situations. You never really know how someone thinks until there is a crisis or adversity. I am a firm believer in that we are made in the tough times. Whether we take responsibility or blame others, whether we step up or shrink back, whether we have solutions or offer excuses, whether we encourage others or ridicule them. It’s in the tough times when we find out what a person is all about. We discover how strong we are mentally, physically, and spiritually. I don’t like the tough times, but I am so thankful for them. It is a time to grow and mature not cower down and run away. Be glad in the tough times, because it is a time for you to shine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Scott,
    Couldn't agree more. Lets all remember God never tests anyone via anything intolerable or sans solutions. When Life gets challenging it only makes us stronger soldiers, although we may not understand its purpose at that moment. Thinking back at my own life, the past 7 years have been the toughest ever. Yet they have molded and evolved me to such a GREAT extent, beyond I could ever imagine. It all seemed WAY too tough at the time it was happening. Too much to adapt and too little comfort. But eventually when it all passes, there truly emanates the greatest relief and experiences that makes us more unique.
    I hope and pray your book turns out a great success, and trot across the globe beyond your fondest imagination. Undoubtedly, there would be so much to learn from it. We are all students and teachers, from cradle to grave, sharing different gifts from God.

    ~Dina Sadik
