Tuesday, December 22, 2009


12-22-09 Tuesday
I am sitting here in the Best Western in Jackson; thinking back at all that took place yesterday. It was one of the best birthday’s I can remember. To be able to spend it with Melissa, Gloria, and Mama was awesome. However, I was able to add to that, Aunt Nora and some of the best friends I have ever had. We had a great time at the Pine City Bakery. I appreciate Kellie and her family for letting us use the place for that book signing. I also want to thank all of those that came by, some on purpose and some that just happened to be coming in to get a get sandwich. I appreciate you all very much! You never know how something like that is going to turn out, but you guys made it special for me. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present. Good friends and good food is hard to beat. There were so many notes from those that were unable to come too; I thank you just as much.
I hope that in a few months we can do it again when my next book; The Right Way not My Way becomes available. There are still some copies of Embrace Your Destiny at the Bakery; and they are signed. They are also available at www.scottwimberly.com Thank you again for making my birthday a great day.

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